Friday 21 February 2014

Strawberry Spinach Snack Smoothie

This is one of my favorite smoothies!  It's more of a snack smoothie than a meal replacement smoothie.  Low calorie, tastes good, and an easy way to get in some greens.

Strawberry Spinach Snack Smoothie

1 Cup Frozen Strawberries (or one purple container if on 21 Day Fix)
2 Cups fresh spinach (or two green containers if on 21 Day Fix)
water to desired consistency
sweetener of choice (packet of stevia, honey, pure maple syrup, agave syrup)

You only need a small amount of sweetener.  I typically do not use sweeteners in my smoothies, but this particular smoothie is a snack for me, so I like to have a little more fun with it.

Also, I use frozen strawberries because I like my smoothies cold.


Thursday 20 February 2014

Why the Scale Goes Up When You Start a New Workout Plan

*disclaimer.  I did not writ this article.  It was written by Chalene Johnson, creator of Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, and ChaLEAN Extreme.  A great explanation to why you often see the scale move in the wrong direction when first starting an exercise program.

"The motivation to start a new exercise program is almost always to lose weight. However, what most personal trainers know--and most at-home exercisers do not--is that a new exercise program often can cause an immediate (and temporary) increase on the scale. (Notice I didn't say weight gain! I'll explain.) This common increase in the scale is also the reason why perhaps millions of people start and then quickly quit their resolution to get fit.

The temporary weight gain explained:
When someone starts a new exercise program, they often experience muscle soreness. The more intense and "unfamiliar" the program, the more intense the muscle soreness. This soreness is most prevalent 24 to 48 hours after each workout. In the first few weeks of a new program, soreness is the body trying to "protect and defend" the effected or targeted tissue. Exercise physiologists refer to this as delayed-onset muscle soreness, or DOMS.

This type of soreness is thought to be caused by tissue breakdown or microscopic tears in muscle tissue. When this happens, the body protects the tissue. The muscle becomes inflamed and slightly swollen due to fluid retention. This temporary retention of fluid can result in a 3- to 4-pound weight gain within a few weeks of a new program. Keep in mind that muscle soreness is not necessarily a reflection of how hard you worked. In fact, some people feel no signs of muscle soreness, yet will experience the muscle protection mechanisms of water retention and slight swelling.

Most people are motivated enough to put up with this temporary muscle soreness. Yet, many, especially those who really need immediate weight loss to keep them motivated, become discouraged and quit!

When I worked with a group of 70 test participants during the development stages of ChaLEAN Extreme, this happened. Who was the most upset and discouraged? You guessed it... the women! I'm happy to report absolutely for every single woman (and man) in our group, the weight increase was temporary and never lasted more than two weeks before they started to see a major drop in the scale. However, these people had the advantage of working with someone who was able to explain to them why this was happening and assure them the weight would come off if they stuck to the nutrition plan and stayed true to the program.

If you follow a multi-phase exercise plan, such as ChaLEAN Extreme, keep in mind that when you start each phase, your body will be "in shock" again. Don't be surprised or discouraged if you experience a temporary gain on the scale the first week of each phase.

My own personal example of this is running 10Ks. I don't do it very often, maybe once or twice a year. Even though I run on a regular basis, when you run a race, you push much harder. It's natural for me to be insanely sore the next day. It’s also very common for me to see the scale jump 4 pounds the next day from forcing fluids post race and the resulting DOMS. Even though I know the cause of it, it's still a bummer. We're all human and hard work should mean results. Hard work equals results, but our bodies are amazing machines and they know how to protect us from hurting ourselves. Soreness forces you to give those muscles a break. Ultimately you will lose the weight and you will change your metabolism in the process.

The key is understanding that this is a normal and temporary and stick with the program!

When to be concerned: 
If you experience a significant weight gain (exceeding 5 pounds) that does not begin to decrease rapidly after the second week, guess what it is? I'll give you one hint... you put it in your mouth and chew it. You know it! Your food (or calorie-laden beverages). News flash, friends… exercise doesn't make you gain weight. Consuming more food than you burn makes you gain weight!

So if after two weeks you are not losing weight and have gained weight that's not coming off, it's time to take a close and honest look at your food intake. Start tracking your food, and be honest.

Moral of the story: 
Be patient young grass hopper. You'll be lean and mean in no time!"

I Can't VS I Don't

Often times our struggles are in our head, and simply changing a few little words can have a huge impact on the outcome. So try this for example, rather than saying "I can't have pop", say "I don't drink pop". When we use the word "can't", we often feel deprived and end up giving in. You CAN have whatever you want, it's whether or not you CHOOSE to have it. When you feel in control, you feel empowered and make better choices. Let's try to set ourselves up for success! 

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Body Measurements, and Why they are SO Important!

So, you are getting ready to start a fitness and nutrition program.  How do you prepare?  Let me start by saying, the scale is just a small part of your success.  Especially in the beginning, you will be gaining muscle and your progress may be more in inches lost than numbers on the scale going down. Some people even gain a few pounds the first couple weeks, but lose inches.  Do NOT ever measure your success by the scale alone.  You may find yourself disappointed some weeks.  

Your success and how you feel really come down to three important things:  body measurements, weight, and NSV's (non-scale victories).  Stay tuned for a post about NSV's.

Right click and save the below image.  Print one off every week to track your measurements!

21 Day Fix is HERE !!!

This is the box I have been waiting for, yay!  Guys, I cannot wait to get started with this program.  It combines an awesome fitness plan that is geared toward women - you men can do it too, though!  And, with a modifier in each workout, it's for ALL fitness levels.  Not only that, but it includes 30 days of Shakeology, a shaker cup, and these amazing portion-control containers along with a meal plan that focuses on clean eating.  I mean, let's be real.  Even if you already eat healthy foods, you may be eating too much.  What better way to help us get back to correct portion sizes.  Exactly what I need right now!

Want to join me?  Now, of course this awesome program costs money, but I can be your FREE coach... I will give you one-on-one mentoring and access to my private Facebook challenge group!  I will set you up for success because I know how important it is for you to reach your goals.  :)

Get it NOW!

Stay tuned for updates on my progress!